Starport Player Walkthrough

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Starport Player Walkthrough

Post by Veskel » Thu May 08, 2014 2:25 am

This is a walkthrough/guide for current and future players. I left out specifics so newer players may need to look up things in the starpedia.
Also workforce settings are approximate and the colonies research has an impact as well. Hope this helps. -Starblazer
Create Character
First thing's first, have to create a character
Choose your stats:
Pure Builder: 10 charisma, 0 dexterity, 5 wisdom
-----popular pax big bang stats or when combat isn't likely to happen.
Wisdom Builder: 5 charisma, 0 dexterity, 10 wisdom
-----better for shorter games where you intend to play a lot
Explorer: 0 charisma, 5 dexterity, 10 wisdom
-----you intend on exploring and capping U.N. Colonies
All-Around: 10 charisma, 5 dexterity, 0 wisdom
-----when running out of fuel is not an issue
-----popular permaverse stat
Variations: 3 charisma, 5 dexterity, 7 wisdom
-----better for short bangs, when you want to do everything
----------more variations: 7char/0dex/8wis 8char/0dex/7wis
I'm in sol, now what? [basic starter crap]
-enter the starbase, grab your credits from the galactic bank.
-buy a merchant freighter [for trading] or scout marauder [for exploring] (optional, can do just as well in the default ship)
-----I bought a merchant freighter yay
1-you're going to want to trade right away, buying extra cargo holds as you go.
2-once you have max cargo continue trading until you have 500k credits or more
3-Buy a corporate flagship [galaxy whale or dream sower if you're not a CEO of a corporation]
-----I choose to explore, in a scout marauder
1-start exploring and finding ports
2-talk to patrons to taxi them around
3-can buy captain stash's in the lonestar lounge to find artifact locations
4-upgrade to an Antarean Speedstar, its the most fuel efficient ship in the game
5-buy neutrino scanners ASAP, and scan systems for easy planets. They will show up as just over 500 tons
[keep in mind, this will use 5 fuel per use so if there are less than 5 planets just land on each one]
**[disregard for stock module galaxies]**
-----So I got my ship and a couple million credits
-you will want to start buying modules at the large starbases
-cargo bulkheads are the go-to mod for traders, they add 25 cargo holds per mod.
-----Woot, I have 8 modules. Do I win yet?
-Now you can keep trading and exploring
Trading [Can I haz credits?]
1. On the first day of a rebang the sol area might not have the best supply and demand, so you'll want to head to the outskirts
2. The newbie tutorial shows you the basic mechanic of trading
3. Things to look for:
---Need to explore to find ports, talking to patrons in the lonestar lounge will help as they always want rides to other ports
---Use the less expensive resources too, spice and equipment are awesome. But oil and anaerobes or medicine and organics are nice too
---Ports usually have multiple routes between the same ports, but you may also find one way routes [buy spice from port A, sell spice at port B]
---Two hop routes are decent too.
Shut up, I already know how to play.
1. Upgraded your ship
2. Made some credits
--- on pk games you'll want at least 8 mil per planet you plan on building
--- pax games you'll only need the price of the dome and about 1mil extra to rush refineries and buy resources
3. Found a planet to build
Normal galaxy building [player killing and invasions]
----- You will want to get your colonies built in 3 days without having to visit them several times in between. [So you can go do other stuff]
----- Planet types this works on: Arctics, Earthlikes, Oceanics.
---------- Arctics will have the best solar and military and construct buildings faster because of their heater core
1 Preferably you'll want to rush Refinery and radio (~1mil creds), Ref2 (~900k creds), Bio2 (~1.3mil creds)
2 Cart 3k-5k colonists from ports or from sol. (bring defs too if going to sol for colonists)
3 Set gov't to your preference (prison setting won't allow research to be discovered)
4 Set Refinery Settings to harvest enough of each consumable resources so that they won't shrink
5 Bring 1200 or so of each resources. [Or the exact amount you need, which is different depending on the planets special building]
6 Set Workforce to construct 20-30% and research on discoveries 10-20%
---- can mess with the workforce percentages, more constructions will get stuff built faster (herpaderp)
---- researching can be delayed until after you finish building it
7 For Arctics set them to construct heater core first, once completed it will switch to solar, then bio3, ref3, broadcast receiver, weapons factory
8 For Earthlikes, Oceanics: construct bio3 first, it will switch to solar, then special building,ref3, broadcast, weapons factory
its done building yo
***** Workforce and Refinery sliders per planet type. ***government[construction/research/military/harvesting]
-Grow: meaning make enough to keep them from shrinking
-Smash: meaning using atom smasher, convert metal ore into other resources
-All extra refinery workforce should go to metal ore harvesting for the solar
earthlike democracy[0/~20/~25/~55] grow medicine,organics,oil no tax
oceanics democracy[0/~20/~30/~50] grow medicine,organics,oil low tax (1-2%)
mountainous socialism[0/0/~50/~50] grow anaerobes, smash medicine,oil tax ~5%
rockies socialism[0/~30/~45/~25] grow anaerobes no tax
arctics socialism[0/0/~45/~55] grow anaerobes, medicine, oil low tax (3-4%)
arctics v2.0 prison [~60/0/~20/20] grow anaerobes, medicine as much as tax as possible without shrinking below 25k population
greenhouses socialism[0/0/~45/~55] grow anaerobes, medicine, oil low or no tax (0-2%)
deserts democracy[0/0/~40/~60] grow anaerobes, medicine, oil low tax (3-4%)
volcanics socialism[0/0/~40/~60] grow anaerobes no tax
Intergalactics democracy[0/0/~30/~70 everything is equal, dependent on research no tax
Pax Galaxy building [no player killing or invasions, except on IGPs]
*The most important thing in pax is to make credits so you can buy biodomes. So you can build colonies that make you more credits to go buy more biodomes. [ahmahgawd simple right?]
***** Early Game. [First two weeks]
1. Upgraded ship [usually 8 cargo bulkheads, or 7 and a weapon]
2. Trading and Exploring for possible building area's
----- keep an eye out for lots of earthlikes, oceans, and arctics in large systems
3. Blah Blah Blah, I bought biodomes meow wut.
----- The idea now is to start seed colonies, these are your earthlikes and oceans.
----- These colonies usually grow up to 18k colonists or higher while also researching environment for low to no pollution per day
----- Typically you build these so you have resources and colonists to move to other planets in the system
Building Routine
1. rush refinery
2. fill up the biodome [1k colonists]
3. set workforce 99% construction 1% harvesting on refinery 2
4. drop 200 metal ore, 100 equipment, 50 uranium, 200+ medicine, 600+ oil in the refinery
****what this does: it will build refinery2, then switch to bio2 and finish contructing it
****when you visit again in a couple of days settings will be at 1% construction, 99% harvesting waiting for resources.
5. drop resources for bio2, drop 1k more colonists (if you have access to them)
6. *Typical settings* government[construction/research/military/harvesting]
*****Make sure the refinery is harvesting a little bit of everything******
-Ocean/Earthlikes democracy[15/15/0/70] building radio reciever
-Arctics directorship[10/10/0/80] building radio reciever
-Greenhouses directorship[**/**/0/60] building radio reciever //can fiddle with construction and research sliders
-Other democracy[**/**/0/60] on building radio reciever //bottom two types get stuck waiting for resources every building it completes
7. *alternate settings* Can build bio3 with 99% construction 1% harvesting, then bring resources when its finished before using the above workforce sliders
***** Mid Game. [day 15 to day 40]
1. the fun part, cash should be flowing in from your colonies.
2. sell any weapons factories that were slowbuilt
3. start spreading your empire, build more earthlikes and oceans in new systems. As well as arctics in systems you already have seeds in.
***** Late Game. [day 41 to end]
1. you're basically cleaning arctics and greenhouses, picking up cash and doing more of the same (building colonies)
2. the major difference is you may have a lot more cash to spend, and at this point you could start rushing some buildings
Planet Types and basic workforce and refinery settings (final settings) ***government[construction/research/military/harvesting]
*******research has an effect on these settings, the fun part is figuring out which ones to change so I'll let you guys do that on your own.
Earthlikes: Can easily cancel pollution, nice cash flow and resource growth
-----Democracy[~50/~20/0/~30] growing medicine,organics,oil. partial anaerobes
Oceanics: Can cancel pollution, nice cash flow and resource growth
-----Democracy[~35/~35/0/~30] growing medicine,organics,oil. partial anaerobes
Arctics: [WARNING]: High pollution and population with good credit making potential
-----Prison[~87/0/0/~13] growing anaerobes, medicine
-----*alternate: Directorship[0/~40?/0/~60] growing anaerobes, medicine, oil
-----//this should cancel out pollution but cut the population in half
Deserts: these self build which is good, but they won't make you cash. Poor man's Oceanic.
-----Democracy[~30/~30/0/~40] growing anaerobes,medicine,oil. partial organics
Greenhouses: Low pollution, but they do not make a lot of organics, so you have to visit them a lot while building
-----Democracy[~40/0/0/~60] growing anaerobes, medicine, oil. partial organics
Mountainous: Easy to build, mediocre pollution reduction. High maintainance: have to smash ore into medicine/organics/oil for high population
-----Democracy[~20/~40/0/~40] growing anaerobes, smashing medicine, organics, oil
Rockies and Volcanics: population growth is highly dependent on research and they don't harvest much medicine, organics, or oil

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Re: Starport Player Walkthrough

Post by Luna » Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:11 pm

Nice job with the walk through. Comments if anything needs to be adjusted or someone has a better option for settings and such. :D

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