Blitzkrieg Season 2 Final Rankings

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Moderator: Toonces

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Blitzkrieg Season 2 Final Rankings

Post by Toonces »

Thanks to all who participated in Season 2, and especially those who bought tokens!

The prize pool came out to 55 tourney points thanks to an extra 5 accumulated from people who purchased tokens in the Blitzkrieg galaxy after the prize pool was implemented.

The top 25 players received a share of the tourney point prize pool. Here is the full list of final standings for Season 2:

This galaxy ended at 5:10AM Jul. 30 2010 London Time
1 PuRpLeHaZe
2 Meshuggah
3 Woots
4 dragonz
5 Barefoot
6 oldy4
7 Chico.x
8 0zzy
9 Muffin
10 Ciggy
11 DaPirate
12 matthew1
13 Zasemal
14 Spartan-051
15 Draze.Teh.Pwner
16 Chuck.Norris
17 4fun
18 D3V1L
19 Monica
20 Juliuscaesar
21 imortal
22 Andromeda
23 Jazz
24 Geodude
25 Frontline
26 MooNshine
27 Eraeth
28 FunkyMonkey
29 Gunslinger
30 Kasonia
31 rX.FearTHeFrO-
32 EkomS
34 Affss
35 4eye
36 Palzee
37 Bored3
38 DevilDog
39 Rocket
40 ILovePurple
41 Skaterdz
42 Planetarian
43 Cooksy1989
44 Valkyrie87
45 BumBlEBee
46 Supershadow68
47 BattleBubble
48 Juggaloclownluv
49 The13lackguy
50 ATXGanja
51 duece
52 Wafflemonster
53 InnerDemon
54 Celestus
55 Avail
56 killinggu2
57 Kingsly
58 maginfected
60 Missile
61 Bird.Boy
62 Hazzaz
63 Tanith
64 Bradley
65 buckwheat
66 blingbling
67 Zeke
68 Zappy
69 XD
70 Walt
71 Ultradragon
72 Tjthunder112
73 TehOld
74 Sportster
75 Shinn
76 Sanga
77 Rush
78 Rexjin
79 Relic777
80 Pra'krsh
81 Noble
82 Nemo
83 Michelle3
84 Maximus
85 Lionheart
86 LEVO5050
87 Karook
88 Jjbpenguin
89 HondurasTM
90 Hann
91 Greith
92 Gentix
93 Flavio1
94 Eros32
95 Dustwolf
96 Danric
98 Cygod
99 Chaosblitzkreig
100 BeasT
101 Bartimaeus
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